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Maretimo Records GmbH
Maretimo Records GmbH
Taunusstraße 46
86368 Gersthofen (bei Augsburg)
Telefon: +49 (0) 821 – 9 88 41
Fax: +49 (0) 821 – 99 47 86
Wenn Sie Ihre Musiktitel (Song-Demos) für unser Label anbieten möchten, senden Sie diese bitte an eMail@Maretimo-Records.com
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Bitte senden Sie uns Ihre Anfrage für unsere Mailingliste an eMail@Maretimo-Records.com und fügen Sie Informationen über Ihre Arbeit, Website und verfügbare Social Media Links bei.
- Fruits & Harvest (Website)
- Surfmusik
- Sountraxx With Mark Stanley
- Radiolisten.de
- Radio Garden
- Phonostar
- Radio Guide
- Internet-Radio.com
- Liveonlineradio.net
- Radiodienste.de
Geomantie für Energiearbeit im Haus & Grundstück – Geomant Herbert Diepold
- Smart & Slim …leichter sein, die Seele tanzt
- Grow Communications Werbeagentur
Künstler, die bei Maretimo Records & Manifold Records veröffentlicht wurden
- 101 Strings Orchestra 2 Enough
- 25 Style
- Adam Bowen
- Adriano Celentano
- Adriatic Grooves
- African Vibes
- Afrocanado
- Aircraft 72
- Airstream
- Al Faris+Andrew Wooden
- Al Pollan
- Alexsandro Da Silva
- Amazoner
- Amii Stewart
- Anacapri Band
- Andy O
- Angela D´Amato+Enrico Fernandez
- Angela D´Amato+Roberto Salsa
- Angelo Fabiani
- Anita Ward
- Anthony Norris
- Antic / DJ Randy
- Apoll
- Ashanti
- Asian Chill Art
- Astro Noise
- Astroline feat. DJ Bart
- Atahualpa
- Atilla
- Atmosphere X
- B.City Crew
- B.E.B.
- Baby Rasta Band
- Bach
- Bakuleye
- Bakuleyé
- Bar Blue
- Barry Blue
- Basicstar
- Bass Boys
- Bass Instinct
- Batida Band
- Bay Area
- Bay Area feat. Hela Delgado
- Bayerngaudi
- Beatbusters
- Beatproduction
- Belgrade Solistic Strings Orchestra
- Ben E.King
- Bill Haley+His Comets
- Bing Crosby
- Black Blood
- Black Power
- Blue Alphabet
- Blue Planet
- Bluesky
- Bodywork
- Boris Gardiner
- B-Queen
- Brain
- Brainbug
- Break Point Band
- Brook Benton
- Bubble J.
- Bubble J. feat. Angel
- Bushman
- Bushmann
- Cachar
- Cafe Americaine
- Cafe Americaine feat. Lolita Martinez
- Cálido
- Calimero
- Calypso
- Candy Dope
- Carey Kelly
- Caucasuss
- Cecilia Gayle
- Cenith X
- Ceres
- Changall
- Cherry Moon
- Chicco
- Chill Orchestra
- Chillhouse Department
- Chilling Crew
- Chilltune
- Chillwalker
- Chispa Y Los Complices
- Chopin
- Chris Andrews
- Chris Kent feat.Chillwaker
- Chris Kent feat.Chillwalker
- Chris Kent feat.Fresh
- Chuscades
- Cinematic
- Citrus Jam
- Citrus Jam feat. Judith Erb
- Classical Leader
- Clublife
- Cluck Band Orch
- Cocogroove
- Code 44 featuring Dj Congano
- Colet+LSP
- Collage
- Columbo
- Comare Johnny
- Conchita Moreno
- Confussion
- Cosmic Vibrations
- Cosmica
- Cousteau
- Crack+Norman Bates
- Crazy Leo
- Croone
- Cutmaster
- Cyber Junkeys United
- Cyborg
- D.J.Magic Mike+Sir Mix-A-Lot
- Da Flavours
- Da Realnis
- Daddy Pete
- Daniel White
- Daniele Baldelli+Claudio Tosi
- Darkwind
- Das Atom
- Dave
- Dave Davis
- Dave Gold
- Daywalker
- DB Sonic feat. Silvie Quick
- De Donatis
- Dean Martin
- Deep Space feat. L-A-Z
- Deeparture
- Del Shannon
- Delores De Santos
- Der Blaue Klaus
- Der Lück und das P.
- Der Lück+Das P.
- Der Party Löwe
- Desert Tunes
- Detune
- D-Freezer
- Die Herren der Lage
- Die Waldmeister
- Diego Sagarra
- Different Elements
- Dion
- Disco Driverz
- DJ A.M.
- DJ Ablaze
- Dj Alex Dey
- DJ Congano
- DJ Congano feat. Code 45
- DJ Congano feat. Csaba
- DJ Congano feat.Mongawa
- DJ Congano vs. Mongawa
- DJ Crack
- DJ Darkzone
- DJ Dimitri
- DJ Ed
- DJ Energy
- DJ Fary
- DJ Frank T.R.A.X.
- DJ Franky Gee
- DJ Join Miro
- DJ Locke
- DJ Locke feat.Real Mus-Ti
- DJ Loving Loop
- DJ Maretimo
- DJ Maretimo feat. Cafe Americaine
- DJ Maretimo feat. Vladi Strecker
- DJ Mauri
- DJ Mekka
- DJ M-Zone
- DJ Peeza
- DJ Philip
- DJ Randy
- DJ Reche
- DJ Robert+Martinez Bros.
- DJ Scott Projekt
- DJ Trancer
- DJ Zigi
- Djibooti
- DJ-X-Press
- D-Noiser
- Doc Savage
- Doctor Delite
- Dominators
- Don Esteban
- Doris Lavin
- Double Effect
- Down Low
- Dr.Gump
- Dragon Lounge
- Dream Wave
- Dream Wave feat.SM
- Dreamscape
- Drupi
- Dryer+Roy
- Dummy
- Dvorak
- Dymmy
- Eclipse
- Ed“s Experience
- Eddy Grant
- Edoardo Vianello
- Eivizzards
- El Chico Del Sol Y La Familia
- El Clan De La Salsa
- Eligibo
- Emilio Campos
- Emotional
- Emperor
- Enrico Alvarez
- Envelope
- Enzo Belmonte
- Eric del Mar
- Espuma
- Espuma featuring Mike Miller
- Esther Rivera
- Esther Rivera+Diego Sagarra
- Ethnica
- Ethnology
- Ethnology feat. DJ Buna
- Etienne Picard
- Evelyn Thomas
- Fabrizio Fattori
- Fabrizio Fattori+Pery
- Face 2 Face
- Fact Of Life
- Fact Of Life feat.Franky Gee
- Factor E
- Fade 2 Black
- Fairwind
- Fairwind feat.Nina
- Fernando´s Orch
- Fetch
- Fiebre Latina
- Five Of Ten
- Flam
- Flexter
- Floating Clouds
- Flowbee
- Flux
- Francesco Napoli
- Frank Borell
- Frank Borell feat. Oliver
- Frank Borell feat. Sunny
- Frank Borell feat.Eric del Mar
- Frank Borell feat.Jenny Kiwool
- Frank Sinatra
- Freak Style
- Freaknasty
- Free Maxx
- Free Style Connection
- Free System
- Freediver
- Freeky Boyz
- Freestyle Project
- Full Menthal Jacket
- Fun Cool feat. Eddy J.
- Funkyblasters
- Funtastik
- Future Grip
- G.D.P.
- Gary D+Timo Maas
- Gateway 2030
- Gemini Project
- George Mc Crae
- Georgie Fame
- G-Force
- Gina D.V.A.
- Gina Dee
- Gina Marina
- Giorgio Maggio
- Glamour Inc.
- Global Players
- Gloria Gaynor
- Golden Gate
- Golf Lounge
- Good Chillaz
- Goombay Dance Band
- Green Lemon
- Green Lemon feat. Bernd Langer
- Green Lemon feat. Oliver
- Green Lemon feat.Debora Vilchez
- Green Lemon feat.Magica Fe
- Grieg
- Groove Gauchos
- Grupo Ramirez
- Habana Club Band
- Halligalli Boys
- Hardbones
- Havana Mambo
- Haydn
- Hellracer
- Helmut Jensen Orch
- High Headz
- Hitch Hiker+Dumont
- Hoodys
- House Control
- Housework
- Humphrey
- Hypnotic
- I Santo California
- Ike+Tina Turner
- Imagination
- In Credo
- Indigo Seven
- Inside
- Internet
- Interspace
- Intonation
- Irene
- Island Sun
- Islands Of Chill
- Islands Of Chill Vol.2
- Jack Handerson
- Jack Jones
- Jambola
- Janina
- Jason Brown
- Jason Tyrello
- Jay R.
- Jay Ray feat.Phil Edwards
- Jazz Boutique
- Jazz City
- Jazz Connection
- Jazz Connection feat.Tomoko
- Jazzy James Jr.
- Jim Clarke
- Joanna Orch
- John Kincade
- Johnny Cash
- Johnny O
- Jorn
- José Rodriguez+His Mambo Sound Orchestra
- Joy
- Joy-Lab
- Junior Sanchez
- Junk Projekt
- Kaleef
- Kalmano
- Karimba
- Kelly Marie
- Kickdown
- Kid Coconutz
- Kid Coconutz feat. Bernd Langer
- Killer
- Kinder Party
- King Junior
- Kisco
- Klangfussion
- Klubbingman
- Konkobra
- Kool+The Gang
- Kosta Rodrigez
- Kosta Rodrigez feat.Amy
- Kosta Rodrigez feat.Denise
- Kromozone Project feat.Randy Lance
- L.A.Beatz
- La Banderita
- La Mazz
- Lady K.Cee
- Laid Back Avenue
- Las Chicas Marquez
- Latin Allstars
- Latino Bomb
- Laura Lopez
- Layton+Stone
- Le Voyage
- Les Humphries Singers
- Linda Gonzales
- Lisa De Maya
- Listening Deluxe
- Lobo
- Lonnie Donnegan
- Lord Michael
- Lorena Poggi
- Lorren G.
- Los Caballeros
- Los Pamperos
- Los Trinitarios
- Louis Funny Group
- Lounge Captain
- Loveletter
- Loving Loop
- Loving Loop featuring Mongawa
- Luna P.
- Lynn Anderson
- M.D.Project
- M.I.K.E.
- M.T.Project
- Mada & Max L“arabo
- Magic Life
- Magic Life feat. Bernd Langer
- Magic Life feat. Rainfairy
- Mahoroba
- Mamborama
- Mamukata
- Mandala
- Manoa
- Manuela Montero
- Marc Wilson
- Marco Pizzini
- Maria Valdez
- Maria Valez
- Mario Crespo Martinez
- Mark NRG
- Martin Crespo Martinez
- Martin Lopez
- Mass In Orbit
- Matia Bazar
- Matrix
- Matthew B.
- Max L´Arabo
- Max Torres
- Mayflower Inc.
- Mc Duley
- MC.G.Gabriel
- Medhi
- Medicin Men
- Mel-o-dic 3
- MeltedArtists+Loletta Holloway
- Mendelsohn
- Michael Myers
- Midnight Cocktail
- Mike and Bo
- Mike Delicious+Doug Johnson
- Mike Miller
- Mike+Bo
- Mikel B.
- Mikel Lorenzo
- Millennium
- Millennium Club
- Minaskava
- Mindlock
- Mindphaser
- Ming Shu
- Miss Groovalistic
- Mission 2 Mars
- Misty Movement
- MNA Projekt
- Modern Energy feat.Kenny Moulton
- Mokuba
- Molecular
- Mongawa
- Monks
- Moon Patrol
- Moratto
- Mozart
- Mr.Lewis
- Mr.Voodoo
- Mr.Zino
- M-Traxx
- Mungo Jerry
- Mystery P.
- N.Y.City Beats
- Nasby feat. o´d.o.c.
- Nash Beats
- Natural Born Grooves
- Natural Sonic
- Nature
- Nautilus
- Newtronic
- Next Level
- Next Soul feat.Woody Thompson
- Nicolai Thomas
- Nightflight
- Nightvision
- Nina
- Nives
- Noise Boyz
- Noise Boyz feat. Bernd Langer
- Noise Boyz feat. Io Vita
- Noise Boyz feat. Oliver
- Norman Taylor
- Nostradame feat.Trooper
- Nostrum
- Nudge+Shouter
- Ocean Blue
- Off Beats
- Orange Music
- Orange Music feat.Mirjam
- Orill Laurash
- Orinoko
- Orquesta De Havana
- Ortendo
- Ozo
- Pablo Pachoco
- Panafrican Project
- Pandera
- Pandera vs. Randy
- Papaya
- Papaya featuring Dingo
- Paradise Blue
- Paradise Orch
- Partyfloor
- Partyjam
- Pascal Colet
- Pascal Dubois
- Patricia Simon
- Patrick Marsh vs. Michael Steep
- Paul Straker
- Pedro Gimenez
- Pedro Ramenez
- Percy Sledge
- Persia Beatz
- Pet Shop Boys
- Petula Clark
- Phil Kinley
- Phobia
- Phoenix
- Phonotronic
- Pink Style Orch
- Planet 808
- Planet Earth
- Plasma
- Plastix
- Player´s Choice
- Procycle feat.DJ Kim
- Project P.
- Proxyma
- Psychopilots
- Pulseriver 2
- Q
- Q-Baze
- Quarterback
- Racoon
- Rain´n Tears
- Randy
- Randy featuring Janina
- Rat House
- Raul Ramirez
- Ray Clarke
- Real 7
- Real Hype
- Real Seven
- Recall
- Recall 2
- Rejector
- Rene Simon
- Rene Simon y la Iguana
- Rene Soler
- Rene Soler & His Son De Cuba
- Rene Soler+His Son De Cuba
- Retro Rider
- Ricardo Vega
- Riccardo Fogli
- Richard Cube
- Richard van Arp
- Ricky D.
- Ricky D. featuring Janina
- Ricky Slide
- Road To Asia
- Roayal Beat
- Roberto Sala
- Robotnic Beat
- Rockell
- Rodd-y-ler
- Ronaldo
- Rose MC
- Roses Club
- S.O.F.T.
- S.O.P.
- Sabrina
- Sam Cook
- Sam+Dave
- Samira
- San Martino
- Sandy X
- Santo Melodia
- Santos
- Satin Sound System
- Schumann
- Scoop
- Scorpio Rising
- Sean Hayman
- Sebastian M.W.
- Second Dimension
- Shine
- Siembra
- Silent Voices
- Silver Convention
- Simba Groove feat. DJ Tony
- Simply Free
- Sister Sledge
- Skindive feat.Debora Vilchez
- Skindive Inc.
- Skindive Inc.feat.Ino
- Sky Loft
- Sky Sergeant
- Skysurfer
- Skysurfer feat.Lovay
- Skyway
- Sleeptalker
- Sleeptalker feat.Anette Paradies
- Smash
- Smile Machine
- Sniff´N The Tears
- Sofa Sweeper
- Solar Impact
- Son Candela
- Sonic Tool
- Sons Of Storm
- Soul Aliens featuring Yassi
- Sound Inc.
- Soundmachine
- Space Invaders
- Space Tourist
- Spacecruisers feat. DJ Kim
- Spacefront
- Spiritualismo
- Starlight Orch
- State Of Mind
- Stereo Gringos
- Stevie B.
- Stonay
- Strip T.
- Styleshakerz
- Stylo
- Sugar Caine
- Sun Beat
- Sunseeker
- Super Bartel
- Superfiesta Latina
- Superfly
- Supernova
- Surrounder
- Sweet TB
- Swing Inc.
- T.I.M.
- Tallak
- Tallak feat,Viv Gee
- Tallak feat.Flowbee
- TC Brain
- Terra Magica
- The Alisons
- The Atlex
- The Awesome Bass
- The Champs
- The Chillouts
- The Chordettes
- The Diamonds
- The Drifters
- The Everly Brothers
- The Freestyle Crew
- The Gatekeepers
- The Gentle Spirit
- The Glitch
- The Highlander
- The Jerkman
- The Mambo Rebels
- The Man Behind C.
- The Man Behind C. feat. Oliver
- The Man Behind C. feat.Debora Vilchez
- The Man Behind C. feat.Rainfairy
- The Ocean Piano
- The Officer
- The Officer+Elios
- The Party Kings
- The PC Groove Sensation
- The Rubettes
- The S.G.S.Project feat.Alex G.
- The S.G.S.Project feat.J.T.A.
- The Smooth Commander
- The Three Degrees
- The Tokens
- The V Man In The UK
- Thermodynamics
- Thinking Machine
- Tibet
- Tina Charles
- Todacosta
- Tomohawk
- Toto Cutugno
- Tranquilizer
- Tropical Band feat.Isabel
- Trouble G.
- Tschaikowsky
- TSO feat. Jo Kutschera
- Twilight
- Ultimate
- Unconditional
- Unix
- Up-Server
- V.A.
- V.T.
- Valerie Dore
- Vandaag
- Various Artists
- Victoria de Villa
- Virgo One
- Virtualmismo
- Vital Complex
- Vittorio Casagrande
- Vladi Strecker
- W.D.M.
- Wanda Jackson
- Wave Captain
- Wenzel Orch
- Whip Project
- William Llerena
- Wink
- Wireless
- Wooden Man
- X-ite
- Xpose
- X-Ray
- Y.O.M.C.
- Yakooza
- Zina Rao feat.Chillwalker